Question for Market Research | Examples & Tips

Market research is a crucial component of any successful business strategy. It helps businesses understand their customers, their competitors, and their industry, enabling them to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. One of the key aspects of market research is developing the right questions to ask.

According to a research study conducted by the Market Research Society, using a mix of question types in surveys, including open-ended questions and Likert scales, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of a target audience.

The study also emphasized the importance of clear and concise language in survey questions to avoid confusion and ensure accurate responses.

Tips and Best Practices for Creating Questions for Market Research.

Question for Market Research | Examples & Tips

1. Start with a clear objective

Before creating any questions for market research, it's important to have a clear objective in mind. What are you trying to learn? What insights do you hope to gain? Starting with a clear objective will help you focus your questions and ensure that you're gathering the information you need.

2. Avoid leading questions

Leading questions can bias respondents and skew your results. For example, "Don't you agree that our product is the best on the market?" is a leading question because it assumes that the product is the best. Instead, ask neutral questions that don't assume anything about the respondent's opinion.

3. Use open-ended questions

Open-ended questions allow respondents to answer in their own words, providing more detailed and nuanced insights. Closed-ended questions with predetermined answers can be useful for gathering specific information, but open-ended questions are better for uncovering unexpected insights and understanding the "why" behind respondents' answers.

4. Keep questions concise and clear

Long, convoluted questions can be confusing and frustrating for respondents. Keep questions as short and simple as possible, and use clear language that is easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon or complex terminology unless you're sure your audience will understand it.

5. Avoid double-barreled questions

Double-barreled questions ask two things at once, making it difficult for respondents to answer accurately. For example, "Do you like our product and its packaging?" is a double-barreled question because it asks about two different things. Instead, ask separate questions about each topic.

6. Test your questions

Before launching your market research survey, test your questions with a small group of people to ensure they're clear and easy to understand. Use feedback from the test group to refine your questions and make any necessary changes before launching the survey to a larger audience.

7. Consider the order of your questions

The order of your questions can influence how respondents answer. Start with easy, non-threatening questions to build rapport and encourage participation. Then move on to more sensitive or difficult questions. End with any demographic or classification questions.

8. Use a mix of question types

A mix of question types can provide a more comprehensive view of your audience. Use a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions, as well as multiple-choice, ranking, and rating questions. Mix up the order of question types to keep respondents engaged and avoid monotony.

9. Be sensitive to cultural differences

Culture can impact how people respond to certain questions. Be sensitive to cultural differences and avoid questions that could be perceived as insensitive or offensive. Consider using a culturally diverse focus group to test your questions and ensure they're appropriate for all audiences.

10. Use language that matches your audience

Use language that matches your audience and is appropriate for their level of education and expertise. Avoid overly technical language or complex terminology unless you're sure your audience will understand it. Use language that is inclusive and avoids assumptions or stereotypes.

Examples Question for Market Research

here are some examples of questions for market research:
  1. What factors influenced your decision to purchase [product/service]?
  2. What do you think sets our product/service apart from competitors?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?
  4. What are some areas where you think our product/service could improve?
  5. How did you first hear about our product/service?
  6. Have you ever used a competitor's product/service? If so, what did you like/dislike about it?
  7. What other products/services do you typically use in conjunction with ours?
  8. How often do you use our product/service?
  9. What features of our product/service do you find most useful?
  10. What price point would you be willing to pay for our product/service?
These questions can be adapted to fit the specific needs and goals of your market research. It's important to keep in mind the target audience and tailor the questions accordingly to ensure the most valuable insights are gained.


In conclusion, effective market research depends on developing the right questions. By following these tips and best practices, you can develop questions that are effective, unbiased, and provide a comprehensive understanding of your market. With the right questions in hand, you can make informed decisions that will help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success.


What is the purpose of market research? 

Market research is used to gather information about customers, competitors, and industry trends in order to make informed decisions about a business's strategy, products, and services.

Why is it important to test market research questions before launching a survey? 

Testing market research questions with a small group of people can help identify any confusing or unclear questions and provide feedback for improvements. This can help ensure that the survey accurately reflects the target audience and provides valuable insights.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating market research questions? 

Some common mistakes to avoid when creating market research questions include using leading questions, using double-barreled questions, using technical jargon, and making assumptions about the audience's opinions or experiences.
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