How much do Virtual Assistants make? Everything you need to know

As businesses worldwide become more reliant on technology, virtual assistants have become an increasingly popular resource for entrepreneurs and business owners. Virtual assistants are self-employed individuals who work remotely to provide administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients from all around the world. 

They perform a wide range of tasks, from managing email accounts and scheduling appointments to social media management and website development.

If you're interested in becoming a virtual assistant or are curious about how much virtual assistants make, this article is for you. 

In this article, we'll discuss the factors that affect virtual assistant salaries and answer some of the most commonly asked questions about how much do virtual assistants make.

Factors that affect virtual assistant salaries:

How much do Virtual Assistants make? Everything you need to know

1. Experience and Skill Level

Like any profession, virtual assistant salaries are affected by experience and skill level. A beginner virtual assistant can expect to make around $15-$20 per hour, while an experienced virtual assistant with specialized skills can earn upwards of $100 per hour.

2. Services Offered

The services that a virtual assistant offers can also impact their salary. For example, a virtual assistant who provides basic administrative tasks like email management and appointment scheduling may earn less than a virtual assistant who provides more specialized services like website development and social media management.

3. Industry

The industry that a virtual assistant works in can also affect their salary. Virtual assistants who work in high-demand industries like healthcare or finance may earn more than those who work in other industries.

4. Location

Location can also play a role in virtual assistant salaries. Virtual assistants who work in major cities may earn more than those who work in rural areas, due to the higher cost of living in urban areas.

5. Contract Type

Virtual assistants can work on an hourly or project basis, and their pay can vary depending on their contract type. Hourly contracts are common in the virtual assistant industry, with rates ranging from $15-$100 per hour. Project-based contracts may pay a flat fee, which can vary depending on the project's scope and complexity.

How much do Virtual Assistants make?

According to a survey conducted by the International Virtual Assistants Association in 2021, the average hourly rate for virtual assistants in the United States is $39.68 per hour. 

However, this rate can vary depending on factors such as experience, specialty, and geographic location. 

The survey also found that the top 10% of virtual assistants earn an average of $67.64 per hour, while the bottom 10% earn an average of $19.50 per hour. 

It's important to note that these rates are self-reported by virtual assistants and may not reflect the entire industry.


Q: How much do beginner virtual assistants make?
A: Beginner virtual assistants can expect to make around $15-$20 per hour.

Q: How much do experienced virtual assistants make?
A: Experienced virtual assistants with specialized skills can earn upwards of $100 per hour.

Q: What services do virtual assistants offer?
A: Virtual assistants offer a wide range of services, from basic administrative tasks like email management and appointment scheduling to more specialized services like website development and social media management.

Q: What factors affect virtual assistant salaries?
A: Experience and skill level, services offered, industry, location, and contract type all affect virtual assistant salaries.


Virtual assistant salaries can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including experience and skill level, services offered, industry, location, and contract type. While beginner virtual assistants may start with a lower hourly rate, experienced virtual assistants with specialized skills can earn a high hourly rate or project fee. 

Regardless of their level of experience or services offered, virtual assistants can be an invaluable resource for businesses of all sizes, helping them to save time, increase efficiency, and grow their businesses.
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