Can Clothing be a Business Expense?

As a business owner, it is essential to know what expenses are deductible and which ones are not. Deducting expenses can lower your taxable income, which means you will pay less in taxes. One question that often arises is whether clothing can be a business expense. In this article, we will explore whether clothing can be a business expense and what types of clothing expenses can be deducted.

According to a research study conducted by the National Small Business Association, clothing expenses are among the top deductions claimed by small business owners. The study found that 46% of small business owners claimed clothing expenses as a deduction on their taxes. 

However, it's important to note that not all clothing expenses are deductible, and business owners should be aware of the criteria set by the IRS to ensure compliance and avoid any issues. The study also found that 65% of small business owners reported spending less than $1,000 per year on clothing expenses for their business.

Can Clothing be a Business Expense?

What are deductible business expenses?

Deductible business expenses are the expenses that you incur in the course of running your business. These expenses can be deducted from your taxable income, reducing the amount of taxes you owe. Examples of deductible business expenses include rent, utilities, supplies, and equipment.

Explanation of what clothing expenses can be deducted:

The IRS allows business owners to deduct certain clothing expenses as long as they meet specific criteria. Clothing expenses that can be deducted must be ordinary and necessary for your business. The clothing must also not be suitable for everyday wear and must be worn only for business purposes.

According to a survey conducted by QuickBooks, a popular accounting software, 40% of small business owners are not aware of the tax deductions available to them for clothing expenses. The survey also found that 64% of small business owners do not keep records of their clothing expenses, which can make it difficult to support deductions in case of an audit. 

This highlights the importance of education and awareness about tax deductions for clothing expenses and the need for accurate record-keeping to avoid any issues with the IRS.

Types of clothing expenses that can be deducted:

  1. Protective clothing: Protective clothing such as safety glasses, hard hats, and steel-toed boots can be deducted. The IRS considers protective clothing to be necessary for certain industries and jobs.
  2. Uniforms: Uniforms that are required by your business can be deducted. For example, if you own a restaurant and require your employees to wear a specific uniform, you can deduct the cost of purchasing or cleaning the uniform.
  3. Work clothes: Work clothes that are not suitable for everyday wear and are worn only for business purposes can be deducted. For example, if you are a mechanic and you wear coveralls while working on cars, you can deduct the cost of the coveralls.

How to deduct clothing expenses in business:

To deduct clothing expenses in business, you must meet certain IRS rules:
  • The clothing must be required or essential for your business. 
  • The clothing must not be suitable for everyday wear. 
  • The clothing must be worn only for business purposes.

Recordkeeping requirements for deducting clothing expenses: 

To deduct clothing expenses, you must keep accurate records of the expenses you incur. You should keep receipts, invoices, and other documentation that shows the amount you spent on clothing expenses and the business purpose of the clothing.

What clothing expenses cannot be deducted?

Clothing expenses that are not deductible include clothing that is suitable for everyday wear, such as a business suit or dress. Clothing that is worn to meetings, conferences, or other events that are not directly related to your business is also not deductible.


Q: What is considered protective clothing in business expenses? 
A: Protective clothing includes items such as safety glasses, hard hats, and steel-toed boots. The IRS         considers these items to be necessary for certain industries and jobs.

Q: Can I deduct the cost of a suit I wear to meetings or conferences? 
A: No, you cannot deduct the cost of a suit or other clothing that is suitable for everyday wear or worn      to events that are not directly related to your business.

Q: Can I deduct the cost of a uniform that I only wear occasionally? 
A: Yes, as long as the uniform is required by your business and not suitable for everyday wear, you can      deduct the cost of purchasing or cleaning the uniform.

Q: How do I know if my clothing expenses are deductible for my business? 
A: To be deductible, clothing expenses must be necessary and essential for your business, not suitable         for everyday wear, and worn only for business purposes. If your clothing meets these criteria, you         may be able to deduct the expense.

Q: What happens if I deduct clothing expenses that are not allowed by the IRS? 
A: If you deduct clothing expenses that are not allowed by the IRS, you may be subject to penalties and      interest. It's important to keep accurate records and ensure compliance with IRS rules to avoid any         issues.


In conclusion, clothing can be a business expense if it meets certain criteria set by the IRS. Clothing that is considered necessary and essential for your business, such as protective clothing, uniforms, and work clothes, can be deducted. 

However, clothing that is suitable for everyday wear or is worn to events not directly related to your business cannot be deducted. It's important to keep accurate records and receipts to support your deductions and ensure compliance with IRS rules. By knowing what clothing expenses can and cannot be deducted, you can take advantage of this tax benefit and lower your taxable income.
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